Thursday, July 24, 2008

Malia's Almost Here!

Way back in March, I mentioned that Ray's sister, Julie, was going to have a baby. Well, she's almost here! The baby's name is going to be Malia Jane McKnight and she is due on August 7th.

Ray's family had a baby shower/picnic for Julie and Duke last weekend. At that time, Julie had just had a doctor's appointment and found out that Malia was breach. Not good. Well, Julie had an ultrasound yesterday to check on Malia and she's back to the correct position! I'm thrilled for Julie as a breach baby makes for some difficult decisions for Mommy.

I'm really excited to meet Malia. I am sooo looking forward to being an aunt!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Orthodontic Update July 2008

I went in for my first braces-tightening today. My teeth are a bit sore! Dr. Olsen checked out the Hyrax and said that it gets to come out next time!!! Yes! I hate that thing.

My next appointment is August 27th. I will be getting the Hyrax out, but a bar will be going across the top of my mouth in it's place. I'm not really excited about that, but at least I'll be rid of the Hyrax. I will also be getting braces on my top teeth at that appointment! We're moving right along. :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We Made It!

On Tuesday, Ray and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's been a whole year; the time has just flown by. It's been an awesome year :)

Ray and I both took the day off of work to celebrate our anniversary (Ray had the whole week off, actually). We slept in, and then spent the morning doing yard work. We took a bike ride to a local park for a picnic lunch. Our picnic spot was under a couple of willow trees on the edge of the river. Very romantic :)

We took a nap in the afternoon and went for a nice, relaxing walk after dinner. It was a very enjoyable day!

Oh, yeah, can't forget the cake. It was actually pretty good! The outside was a little dry, but the inside was moist and delicious. Nummy!

Another highlight of the day was the adorable card Ray made for me. He spent a couple of hours on Monday taking pictures of the cats (the cats were less than thrilled!), photo-shopping them, and working on the poem. Don't I have the most amazing husband?!