Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A New Jochman

Welcome to the family, Liz!

My little brother, Neil, got married on Saturday, August 23rd. I don't have any of the professional photos yet, so the candid above will have to do! It was taken in the limo, which the wedding party took to the photo shoot and then to the reception hall.

It was a fun, busy weekend! I took a half-day on Friday and got a pedicure with Liz, my mom, Liz's mom, and the bridesmaids. There was a quick rehearsal at 5:30 and then we all spent the evening out at my parents' place. Very fun. :)

The ceremony wasn't until 3:30 on Saturday, so I didn't need to get my hair done until 11am and then I got to go home until 2! That was pretty sweet. The ceremony was really neat - Neil and Liz wrote their own vows. Then, they did their signature "high five" before kissing when the pastor said, "You may kiss the bride". Those two are hilarious!

Ray and I had to do a dance for the grand march that we were pretty nervous about. We practiced a cha-cha on Friday night and it went over pretty well on Saturday. We also did some swing dancing and decided that we need to take more ballroom dancing lessons!

And now we have a new Jochman, and a cute, funny one at that! :)

ps- Here's something interesting I realized recently. Three Jochman kids are now married. All three of us have married a middle child that has one older sibling and one younger sibling. Weird, huh?!?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm An Aunt!!!

Malia Jane McKnight was born on Saturday, August 2nd, at about 3:20pm. She weighed 7 pounds, six ounces at birth. She's tiny and absolutely adorable, but she has really long feet! She definitely doesn't take after her Aunt Becky in that department. ;)

Malia with her mom, Julie.

Malia with her Uncle Ray.