Thursday, September 25, 2008

Living Room Remodel

Ray and I have been working on our living room all summer. Ray spent many hours repairing a ton of cracks in our walls and ceilings. That was, by far, the most time-intensive part of this project. My mom helped out a lot once we got to the painting stage. We have a huge living room, so we went through a lot of paint!

The living room is more or less done now (I just have a grate and some shelves to paint, yet... and pictures to decide on and put up). I figured it's time for some before-and-after pictures!!!


My mom came up with the idea to do an accent wall, and after going back and forth on it for awhile, Ray and I decided to go ahead with the idea and make these two walls the "accent" walls.

We have "blonde" woodwork that definitely has a yellow tone to it. The walls AND the carpet in the living room also had a yellow tone, so everything just kind of washed out. On top of that, the carpet was worn and the padding underneath was almost non-existent. It was time for an update!


We love how the accent walls turned out! As an added plus, our tv is here, so it makes for a good dark movie-watching background. I still have to find something really cool to put on the wall over the fireplace. Ideas, anyone???

The new color in the living room is a very light gray, with the carpet also having a light gray tint. This really dresses up the woodwork! The room looks a lot more elegant, and the carpet actually has padding under it!

Ray and I are both very happy with how the living room turned out, and even happier that it's over!!! We don't plan on repainting this monstrous room again for a long time :) Ray is especially excited to get back to the bathroom project I dragged him away from. It's quite awhile off yet, but those before-and-after pictures will be really awesome!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Orthodontic Update September 2008

The Hyrax came out last Wednesday and top braces went in! The top braces made my mouth a lot more sore than anything else has so far. Hopefully it won't be this bad every time they get adjusted. Today was the first day I could eat normal food without wincing in pain.

My next appointment isn't for two whole months. That surprised me. I guess things are going to go more slowly now that the braces are on. Bummer.

I asked my orthodontist for an update on the likely-hood of surgery. He said he wouldn't know anything more until next year at this time. Grrrr! I hate not knowing! *sigh* I guess the Lord needs to teach me patience somehow. ;)