Monday, November 17, 2008

The Schommagel's

Last weekend, I attended my last wedding of 2008. This year has been a busy wedding year for Ray and I. We were invited to at least ten weddings and attended seven, one of which was in Arizona. I stood up in two weddings, and Ray was an usher in one.

Last weekend's wedding was one of the ones that I stood up in. There are three of us girls that went to high school together, Julie, Leah, and I. Julie got married in 2005 and Leah and I stood up in her wedding. Then, I got married last July and had Julie and Leah standing up in my wedding. This past weekend was Leah's wedding, and (of course) Julie and I stood up. Pretty cool!

I don't have a picture of the bride and groom (yet), but I do have one of the beautiful bride before the ceremony:

Me, Leah, Julie

Also, Leah was hoping that her thank-you gift to me would make it into my blog. I'm very happy to oblige since my gift was pretty awesome:

The slippers and socks are from The North Face, where Leah works. The slippers are made of down, and I have been wearing them constantly since I got them. They are really warm and comfy, I didn't even want to take them off long enough to take the picture of them! I don't think I'll ever be able to wear $5 Walmart slippers again :) The bag is also from The North Face and all of the little goodies were inside, a kind of "emergency" bag for the wedding day. Very fun!

By the way, the title of this post is something that Leah made up. Her husband, Craig's last name is Schommer and Leah's last name was Pagel, so before they were married, Leah smooshed their last names together and they called themselves the Schommagels. Pretty cute, huh? Now, of course, they are Craig and Leah Schommer! Congrats, guys :)