Saturday, December 27, 2008

Archie, The Three-Legged Cat

I mentioned my parents' cat, Archie, in my last post. Here he is in his Christmas finery :) The missing leg would be in the back on top. He gets around really well. Missing a leg doesn't seem to bother him at all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Funny People

I will be the first to admit that I'm not really funny. I'm sure that's evident from reading my blog. Informative, maybe, but it's definitely not funny. I do know some funny people, though. I'm even related to a few :)

My husband, Ray, has a pretty dry sense of humor that really cracks me up. He's especially good at writing zingers in emails. Ray sent out one of these emails recently.

My immediate family (parents and siblings) picks names for Christmas. Before picking names, we each write a few ideas of things we might like for Christmas. These lists then go into a bucket and that's how we pick names. We do this on Thanksgiving Day every year and then my mom spends from Thanksgiving until Christmas trying to figure out who has which name.

Recently, my mom sent a silly email out saying that she knew which name everyone in the family has. In response, Ray sent a "picture" of his person's list, to show that Mom had guessed incorrectly. This is what Ray sent:

To explain, my parents have this really cute cat. I wish I had a picture of him, I would have posted it. At any rate, the cat's name is Archie and he's an indoor/outdoor cat. This past spring, Archie showed up one morning with a broken leg. My mom took him to the vet and they said that they couldn't fix the leg. The only thing they could do was to amputate it.

I grew up on a hobby farm, so usually a case like this would have resulted in the cat being put to sleep. My mom had grown really fond of Archie, though, so she had the vet amputate Archie's broken leg. Thus, a new leg is the only thing on Archie's Christmas list this year!

To continue with the funny people theme, I started reading a cute blog recently. It's just called Big Mama and chronicles the life of a wife and mother in Texas. How can you not love reading a blog by someone who can come up with the sentence "She rolled out the dough with the grace and precision of a monkey after too many shots of tequila."?! Too funny :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Orthodontic Update: Bad News Bears

I had my most recent orthodontist appointment at the beginning of December. I got bands around my last molars on the bottom (fun times).

At the end of the appointment, I asked Dr. Olsen where we were in the process and what he is currently doing with my teeth. He said he's currently turning and lining teeth up. After that, I will get new impressions done (more fun times), and then he'll see if my teeth are lined up properly for the surgery... yeah, the surgery. Dr. Olsen said that it's currently not looking like he'll be able to get my teeth where they are supposed to be without the surgery. Needless to say, I was pretty bummed.

It took me a day to recover from that news, but I'm ok with it now. At this point, I just want to hurry along with things and get the surgery done as soon as my teeth are ready. Let's get this over with already! I'm guessing it still won't be until Fall 2009, but I didn't ask (I think Dr. Olsen is sick of all of my questions!).


ps- How weird is it that I'm trying to look at the surgery positively by thinking that it will be an easy way to lose some weight??? (I'll be on a liquid diet for a couple of weeks after the surgery)