Monday, August 10, 2009

A Horse and a Bathroom

A Horse
After some issues with an Amazon seller, I finally got Silky's grazing muzzle last week. Ray and I went out by Mom and Dad's on Saturday and put the muzzle on Silky. She was NOT impressed! She kept shaking her head up and down, trying to get it off. We fed her some carrots through the hole, so hopefully she'll figure it out.

As you can see from the picture, it looks like a torture device! The fly mask is not part of the torture, actually. She really likes to wear it and definitely needed it on Saturday - she had about 25 flies swarming around her eyes before we put it on - yuck! You can also see in this picture exactly why she needs the muzzle! That's quite a belly she has :)

A Bathroom
Ray has been slowly working on our main bathroom for over two years now! Since it's only the two of us, and we have another bathroom, this project always seems to get shoved to the bottom of the to-do list.

Ray and I both took the week after July 4th off, and Ray took the opportunity to get a little more done on the bathroom... well, a lot more done, actually. Prior to that week, the drywall was up and the tub in. During our week off, Ray got all of the mudding done - a very time-consuming process - and he and his dad got our shower surround cut out (it's Corian).

We've been trying to put some more time into this project lately, so since the week off, Ray and I have also sealed most of the walls and primed the whole room. I want to save before pictures until the project is complete, but here is what the room looks like with it's coat of primer:

It may not look like much to you, but we're pretty excited to be this far :)

The goal is to paint the room this summer and for Ray to get the surround and the glass blocks in this fall. Then, Ray can spend the winter making the cabinetry. He's really looking forward to that part since he loves woodworking!

After we're done painting the bathroom, I'd like to spend some of my days off starting to paint other rooms in the house. We're keeping busy!


Leah said...

Boy could I use a muzzle like that to end my grazing! The bathroom looks great, good job you two!

Becky said...

Lol! Me, too ;)

ladybugblue said...

Oh, poor Silky! Cruel and unusual, I call it... :)

And the progress on the bathroom is so fun! Go you guys!