Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blizzard Allison, 2009

Like just about everyone else in Wisconsin, Ray and I woke up to about a foot of snow on the ground this morning. I hopped in the shower and Ray hopped into some snow boots to shovel out our driveway.

When Ray comes in, he lets me know that we won't be going anywhere until the snow plow comes through (what with our little cars and lack of 4-wheel drive and all that). "No problem," I think, "they'll be coming along any minute now."

At 7:30am, my boss texts me and tells me to not bother coming in until about noon. I let him know that sounds good since we haven't been plowed out yet.

11:30am and no plow. I call my boss and tell him if we're plowed by 1:30, I'll be in. If it's later than that, it just wouldn't be worth the hassle. Boss agrees.

After lunch, Ray and I (Ray worked from home all day) go out to brush the snow off our poor arborvitae and shovel again. The neighbor across the street tries unsuccessfully to get his little car out of his driveway. Ray and another neighbor end up just pushing the car right back into the driveway again. None of us are going anywhere!

While outside, I had Ray take a picture of us to send to the children we sponsor through Compassion International. They live in South America and Africa, so I'm sure they'll love the picture!!!

We go back inside and I give up on making it into work today. Ray thinks the plow crew has forgotten our road exists.

At about 3pm, I see a broken-down plow go past our house being pulled by a large front-end loader (wish I had gotten a pic!). Not a good sign.

Then, at 4:10pm, it happens!

And that, my friends, is the story of Blizzard Allison.


Anne Y said...

Where in WI are you located? I live in Green Bay and we got hit bad by the blizzard. Hope you are staying warm!

ladybugblue said...

isn't jolly to be forced to stay in and enjoy the storm in coziness?!

Becky said...

Anne- I live in the Fox Cities, we're practically neighbors :)

Ang, it was pretty nice, actually! I had at least two mugs of hot chocolate yesterday :)