Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Busy Month

You'd think, with not working any more, that I would have more time to update this blog!

Ray and I celebrated our 3-year wedding anniversary on July 1st. Ray had to work, but after work we went up to High Cliff to the spot where Ray "officially" proposed.

Over the 4th of July weekend, we went with my family to do some boating and stayed at a cabin in Beaver Dam.

The week following the 4th, Ray had vacation and worked on the baby's room. I'll do a post with pictures on that soon!

Then, we had our baby shower with Ray's family.

Our delicious cakes, made by Ray's aunt Nancy.

Berd and Malia - don't you love her smile?

Little Prince Bennett - already a month old!

And now our baby is due in exactly one month - yikes! My body is definitely ready (I get new aches every day), but I'm not sure my mind has been wrapped around this whole parenthood thing!

1 comment:

Becky R said...

so exciting, only 1 month to go