Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Two Months With Jude

Definitely one of the hardest things about having a newborn is all of the hours spent awake in the middle of the night and the subsequent sleep shortage (for mom). Luckily, this starts to improve rather quickly. I don't think I've had to get up more than once a night since Jude was a month old. Jude turned two months yesterday, and last night was the second night that I did not have to get up AT ALL!!! Last night Jude slept his longest yet - 11.5 hours. Let's hope this continues :)

Jude is still a pretty fussy, high-needs baby, but he is getting better. He is definitely more interested in the world around him, which sometimes keeps him occupied. He is also smiling more, and I finally (sort-of) have a few pictures!

Jude's two-month pediatrician's appointment is on Friday and we'll get to find out exactly how big our cute, chubby baby is.

Oh, yeah, and the cloth diapering is going really well. The first couple of weeks after Jude was born, I was too sleep-deprived and overwhelmed to even think about cloth diapering. I finally got everything washed up when Jude was 3 or 4 weeks old. I tried the prefolds and really didn't like how wet they felt against Jude's skin. I'm a huge fan of the pocket diapers, though, and have been buying those used in the larger sizes as I come across good deals. With how much time I've spend searching for diapers on Ebay, I think I qualify as an addict!

Now to get past the colicky stage...

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