Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Post About Teeth

I had an orthodontist appointment last week where it was confirmed that I get my braces off on January 5th! Yay!!! I'm really, really excited. I have been in orthodontic care for 3 years now and have had the braces for 2.5 years. It is time to be done with it!

In completely related news, Jude already has his first two teeth! He got his first one a week before Christmas and I felt the second one on Christmas morning. Here is a picture from a couple of days before Christmas where you can definitely see one tooth and I can even see a little of the second tooth about to pop through:

Ok, I'm not sure if you can see it on the blog, but it's really obvious on the picture on my hard drive :) I guess you'll have to take my word for it for now. I'm sure there will be more tooth pictures in the future. Maybe I'll try to get one of us together after the braces come off!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baby + Christmas = Toys Galore!

Jude's first Christmas went very well. He was spoiled by our families, of course. Knowing that, Ray and I kept our gift buying very light. All Jude got from us was sippy cups and "Where the Sidewalk Ends".

On Christmas Eve, we went to my parents' house and met up with all of my siblings. My family does a name exchange that I insisted Jude be a part of (and requested that his only gift be the name exchange gift). Aunt Liz got Jude's name and still managed to spoil him! He received a musical seahorse, two books, a teether, two cute onesies, and an ornament from Aunt Liz. Of course, that also meant that Jude had to give a gift - he bought Uncle Neil a shop vac. He also got an outfit, ornament, and Toy R Us gift card from Grandma and Grandpa.

On Christmas Day, we had Ray's family over. I really think we need to start a name exchange with Ray's family because I can't even list everything that Jude received from that side of the family. A picture will have to do:

What a lucky little boy! I think Jude would have to say that it was a great first Christmas.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blizzard Aiden

Thanks to Aunt Leah, Jude was completely prepared for his first blizzard (it is seriously an awesome snowsuit!):

I think we need to work on the snow angel skills! Jude has the laying down part all figured out. Waving the arms and legs? Not so much.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The 17-pound, 12-ounce Baby

Jude had his 4-month doctor appointment last Friday where it was determined that, at 17lb, 12oz, he is at 91% of average for weight. He is now at 69% for height as well - he amazingly grew longer at an even faster rate than growing chunkier! (not sure that sentence even makes sense)

Jude's fourth month of life included a lot of firsts (although I guess his previous three months also contained a lot of firsts).

Jude's first Thanksgiving (picture with Grandpa Pete):

Jude's first snowfall:

...which was soon followed by Jude's first cold. No picture for that one! Jude also spent his fourth month starting to sit and stand with assistance, learning to laugh, meeting his Uncle Tom, and deciding that everything except a bottle belongs in his mouth.