Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The 17-pound, 12-ounce Baby

Jude had his 4-month doctor appointment last Friday where it was determined that, at 17lb, 12oz, he is at 91% of average for weight. He is now at 69% for height as well - he amazingly grew longer at an even faster rate than growing chunkier! (not sure that sentence even makes sense)

Jude's fourth month of life included a lot of firsts (although I guess his previous three months also contained a lot of firsts).

Jude's first Thanksgiving (picture with Grandpa Pete):

Jude's first snowfall:

...which was soon followed by Jude's first cold. No picture for that one! Jude also spent his fourth month starting to sit and stand with assistance, learning to laugh, meeting his Uncle Tom, and deciding that everything except a bottle belongs in his mouth.

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