Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well, This is Embarassing

I haven't posted on this blog for almost a year now - how embarassing!  I stopped posting about the time that Jude's naps became erratic and shorter.  Then, I got pregnant and began putting all of my energy into getting caught up on scrapbooking - I was about 2 years behind!

Long story short, the baby has arrived and I want to get her birth story down in writing while it's fresh on my mind (it's a doozy!).  I'm not planning on starting to post here regularly as I find that I enjoy scrapbooking more and I definitely don't have time for both!

I'm hoping that in a couple of years, as the kids get a bit older, I'll take the time to blog about our life and adventures.  We'll see.  Anyway, expect my next post to be Esther's birth story!!!

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