Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Spring! (almost)

Today Ray discovered that our tulips and dafodils are peeking up through the ground! I'm so excited for this first real sign of spring, especially since there's still snow on the ground :(. My hycinth hasn't come through yet, but should be any day now.

Ray and I took a walk tonight and noticed that a lot of trees have buds now, too. Our brand new little red maple has buds, so it looks like it made it through it's first winter!

I'll try to get a decent picture of the tulips or dafodils and post it soon :)


pdig said...

Sweet - i have things popping up too, but i have no clue what they are. But i do have a pussywillow tree.

Here's to a happy spring and easter!

Becky said...

Lol! The joys of owning a new house; you have to try to figure out what all the plants are in your yard :)
A pussywillow tree sounds fun. Just don't stick them in your ear. I had a friend do that in high school and we almost had to take her to the hospital!

Happy Easter to you, too, Patrick :)