Saturday, April 19, 2008

Washington DC Trip: Thursday

Ray and I left on Thursday afternoon for our trip to, first Raleigh, NC, and then Washington DC. Our flight had been delayed from 2:30pm to 4:30pm, so we had plenty of time Thursday morning to take it easy. It was really nice, it felt like we were retired!

We went for a nice, long, and leisurely walk in the morning. Then, we stopped at REI in Milwaukee on the way to the airport and picked up some pants for our upcoming backpacking trip. Yes!

Once at the airport, we ran into our friend Mustafa and chatted for awhile. Mustafa left for home and we found out that our flight had been delayed because of plane maintenance. While waiting for a new plane, we ran into our friend Jamie! It was pretty crazy.

We finally got to Raleigh at about 9pm (Tom's time). Tom took us out to a very late dinner and we got to see his place and listen to him play the piano.

Stay tuned for day two!

1 comment:

ladybugblue said...

Ooh, I'm glad you made it! And how crazy is it that you ran in to Mustafa! Very cool. Have a great time!