Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Right on Schedule

I had my monthly midwife appointment today and everything's looking great! I took my mom along this time, which Mom really enjoyed. She got to meet my midwife (one of them), check out the office and birthing rooms (though I won't be using them, they are sooo nice!), and, most importantly, hear Norman Jr's heartbeat (currently 156 bpm).

Jill, one of my midwives, measured my stomach and said I am exactly on schedule. I've been a little annoyed with Norman Jr. because I still haven't felt him/her moving around in there, and Jill thinks I might have an anterior placenta. I'll find out if that's the case when we have our big ultrasound in about three weeks.

Jill is big on nutrition, and I proudly told her that I tried asparagus for the first time in my life... and it was pretty good! I've been doing really well with getting my vitamin C fruits/veggies in each day. Some days, I get my greens in (like when we ate asparagus), but I'd like to continue working on that.

She did say that since I drink so much milk, I should consider buying organic. It makes sense to me that the things I consume the most of should be as healthy and natural as possible, so I picked up a gallon today. I haven't tried it yet, but it cost $6!!! Yikes! I can't wait to hear what Ray has to say about that ;)

Next time, I'm finally scheduled with the other midwife, Marijke. Ideally, I'd see each midwife equally as often, but it just hasn't worked out like that. I'm really glad I'll be able to get to know Marijke a little bit better.

And on we roll to the halfway point. I plan to post a 20-week belly picture on Friday!


Becky R said...

Costco sells Organic milk and eggs now. It is a super money saver.

Becky R said...

Costco sells Organic milk and eggs now. It is a super money saver.

Becky said...

Lol! Unfortunately, there is not a Costco anywhere near here :)
I am going to check Walmart (you never know) and a local grocery store that always has *really* good prices. Hopefully, I'll find it cheaper somewhere around here!

Anne said...

Questions....#1 where is your midwife located and do they have a website? #2. Are you planning a home birth? #3. No question, but in case I didn't say it before, Congratulations!

Becky said...

Hi Anne! Thanks for the congrats :)

My midwife is in Appleton: http://wisconsinbirthcenter.com/

I am planning a home birth. It wasn't the original plan, but once we looked into the difference between giving birth at the birth center vs. home, home just seemed homier :)

Thanks for stopping by!