Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jude's First Halloween

I've never been a big fan of Halloween - too much blood, gore, demons, etc. I wasn't sure I was even going to do the trick-or-treating thing when I had kids. Jude's first Halloween, however, included dressing up and trick-or-treating! Jude went with his two cousins, Malia and Bennett. It was a fun, family time, and if we have started a tradition, I guess Jude will get to trick-or-treat every year after all!

Month 3
Jude's third month of life found all three of us (Ray, Jude, and me) starting to get used to living together. Jude has continued to be an excellent nighttime sleeper (10.5 to 11.5 hours every night) and a not-so-good napper. It makes it hard to get things done during the day, but I'll take it if it means getting a good nights' sleep.

Jude is also crying a lot less, usually only when he is hungry or tired (the colic is definitely over with - yay!!!). He smiles quite a bit, loves to make bubbles, and is just starting the "drooly" stage. With three months of life under his belt, he is also ready to start grabbing and holding things - bringing them straight to his mouth, of course!

The first three months of a baby's life are often called "the fourth trimester" and I would definitely agree. It was hard, especially the first two months. I have to admit that I am glad we are past that stage and I'm enjoying my son more and more every day!


Becky R said...

so cute.

Becky R said...

Hi! I wanted to let you know I went to Kohl's today and returned all the Christmas gifts I got the boys. I only got back $67 (because I had Kohl's cash and 30% off everything) but still that is money I did not have. By the end of this month I will have Kohl's charge paid off completely. That will leave about $800 debt. I will tackle asap after that. The thing is I have no more savings and very little income, but that $800 I still owe is all wants and I regret buying. I can only return a few other things to further reduce debt (Mom & sister's slippers I bought them for Christmas.) I may do this as well. But the other $700 or so in debt has already been opened, or used so can't be returned. Live and learn.
I love reading about your family and the new little one. Thanks for reading my blog as well. And thanks for commenting.