Wednesday, June 2, 2010

San Francisco Trip (aka The Babymoon)

Did anyone else feel like May just flew by? Our entire month of May was sooo busy! June is looking a lot less busy for us, and I'll be done working at the end of this month! Yay!

Anyway, I'm overdue for a quick post about our trip to San Francisco at the beginning of May. I've been having quite a bit of tailbone pain lately, so the flight was not very fun. The rest of the trip, though, was great!

We spent a full day in the downtown San Francisco area, doing the tourist thing. I put on 26,000 steps (about 10 miles) that day!

We had dinner that night was some friends who recently moved out to California.

We then went to see the Winchester Mystery House, which was not nearly as furnished as I thought it would be, but still soooo interesting.

On day 3, it was time to see the Redwoods. Just amazing. You really do need to see these trees in person to fully appreciate how huge they are.

On our way back to San Francisco, we stopped at California's Old Faithful geyser. I'm guessing it's not much compared to the Yellowstone Old Faithful, but for two people who had never seen a geyser, it was pretty cool!

So, that's the Cliff Notes version of our trip to San Francisco! We almost didn't go on this trip, since there wasn't much time between our trip to North Carolina and the beginning of my third trimester of pregnancy (when travel is supposed to get more uncomfortable). I am really glad we decided to go and really glad that we didn't go any later in the pregnancy than we did!


ladybugblue said...

So fun! It cracks me up that you did 10 miles; don't you know you're supposed to take it easy when you're pregnant?! "WE" do not walk ten miles (unless we really want to). :)

Becky said...

Yeah, my midwives looked slightly concerned when I told them about that day! "We" felt fine at the end of the day, though, besides being tired. :) I do have to say that I don't think I could do that now, even though it's just one month later.

ladybugblue said...

Ah - good thing you clarified; the next comment was going to be more hassling about going on the next backpacking trip!